Seaforth Seaview
The Seaview sits atop the Seaforth escarpment on a sandstone block plinth forming a pedestal for one of our boldest enterprises yet. The Seaforth Seaview sets a new standard for our Hampton’s Style designs pushing the style to the limit testing the boundaries between modern, classical and coastal style architecture setting the stage for a new age in our firms legacy of coastal homes. The design exemplifies high end Hampton's to its core utilising a typical cream, beige and white colour palette through the stone and weatherboard clad exterior topped with a classic dutch gable roof capturing views and sunlight to the upper living space. The top floor capitalises on the open roof design creating a stunning architectural feature highlighting the detailed roof structure finished with a streamlined v-groove board. The rear façade embodies modernist design adopting a tiered rectangular geometry maximising the views out to the bay. A grandiose achievement of modern coastal design; the Seaforth Seaview is a testament to our continuous effort in advancing our own craft pushing the limits of typical traditional and classical architectural styles. Fundamentally, we here are Luxitecture seek to go above and beyond for all our projects to achieve new levels of bespoke design; emphasising the luxury in Luxitecture.